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What a Cold Needs


Author: Barbara Bottner

Illustrator: Chris Sheban

Genre: Picture Book

Target Ages: 4-8

Publisher: Neal Porter Books

Publication Year: 2019


It's the season of sniffles, the beginning of that time of year when many children battle colds, including the protagonist of What a Cold Needs.  As the story opens, she's obviously miserable, but by the end of the book, as she gets all the helpful things that a cold needs, that red nose is gone, and she's back to her usual, fun self and even ready to help a family member get what he needs when the sniffles stifle him.


What a Cold Needs is like "Grandma's famous chicken soup"— warm and delightful, full of what will make you feel better.  Barbara Bottner and Chris Sheban's cheery book would make a nice addition to any bookshelf and medicine cabinet alike!



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