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So Tall Within: Sojourner Truth's Long Walk Toward Freedom


Author: Gary D. Schmidt

Illustrator: Daniel Minter

Genre: Picture Book Biography

Prime Audiences: Children Interested in Black History; Children Dealing with Difficult Circumstances

Publisher: Roaring Brook Press

Publication Year: 2018


"In Slavery Time," Isabella endured many hardships: being born into servitude, being separated from her mother, laboring for other human beings who did not respect her own humanity, and more.  And enduring and overcoming such hardships eventually caused her to go on her journey as Sojourner Truth, telling the truth about slavery, all the way into "Freedom Time."


So Tall Within: Sojourner Truth's Long Walk Toward Freedom is a biography of Sojourner Truth, written in Gary D. Schmidt's prose, both poetic and straightforward, and matched by Daniel Minter's heart-stoking illustrations.  Isabella's— Sojourner Truth's journey, it's heartaches and triumphs, is presented in words and pictures that honor its subject.  This is a book that will "stand tall" in any collection of African American history picture books!


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